Trust what you're drinking
Certificate of Product Analysis (COA)
A certificate of analysis, or “COA” are independent, third-party lab results verifying the Delta-9 THC potency of Pharos Premium Infused Beverages. To properly read a COA, there are a few things you need to know.
1. “Δ9 THC” means delta-9 THC. This is the primary psychoactive ingredient in cannabis. In the COA, you will see a number, expressed as a percent of the total weight of the can, showing the total amount of Δ9 THC in the can. So long as the total Δ9 THC is less than 0.3%, then the product is federally legal pursuant to the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (the “Farm Bill”).
2. “Total THC” means the total amount of active Δ9 THC that is in each can. This is expressed as a milligram, or “mg.”. Most standard cannabis products are 5 to 10 mg. per serving. In line with Pharos’s goal to be an approachable, social, premium sparkling drink, we intend our drinks to have 5 mg. Δ9 THC per can. Please note, due to testing sensitivity limitations, the actual Δ9 THC potency per 12 oz. can may vary as much as 1.5mg.
3. “Cannabinoids” means the active molecules in cannabis that bind with your endo-cannabinoid system. Pharos is intended to be a straightforward premium sparkling drink. This means we strive to only have Δ9 THC in our premium sparkling drinks.
If you want more information on our premium sparkling drinks, please do not hesitate to contact us at
We perform a full panel of independent third-party testing on each batch for mold and other unintended excipients to ensure there is nothing but pure, flavorful, refreshing goodness in each drop.
Review Certificates of Analysis
Based on the flavor and expiration date of your Pharos sparkling drink, you will find links to the corresponding certificates of analysis below. The expiration date is located on the bottom of the can.